Life has been a puzzle that I never figured out,
For when I try to get into it, I never came out.

I love a girl deep down from my heart, more than myself,
She plays with my emotions till she gets bored by this act of herself.

I crave to see her from all within my soul,
She enjoys my agony because she finds me a dolt.

Um a bullhead who walks alone in the dark,
The dipping moon and gleaming stars gimme some of this spark.

The pity me asking "Does true love reciprocates this way,
We are glad to say single, alone n far away.

I give a gazeless stare with a baleful look on my face,
Her love though fake but it touches my heart like a wave.

I no more wanna be a big foot stamping all over her life,
As now she hates me, my role is over in her life.

I have sacrifice my happiness because she love someone else,
I have burned my existence all by myself.

Listening to this a tear rolled down from the moon's face,
He said, your love is pure, May lord shower his grace.

Your life is not over even if your beloved is not with you,
She is your life but your life doesn't belongs to you.

See the love and care in you mom's eyes,
Fulfill her hopes before you shrink of pain and you die.

Oh moon! Stars are the witness and I promise today,
I would fight back with the pain and success one day..

Ashish Aggarwal (APB)✍️✍️


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