Am sorry but every terror attack on our soil is our fault!
the 1.3 billion who call themselves Indian. 

You ask why?

Because we have got too used to letting go of things that matters i.e lives of soldiers & their family.

I am not saying that it's just your fault but even I am equally responsible of falling prey to the art of moving on because it is not directly affecting my life. I didn't lose my father, brother, or even a close friend BUT SOMEONE DID. Just like you, I see an attack which enrages me only to the point that I end up writing few posts on my social media handle and a week from the attack, I just move on with my life because nothing has changed.

I read articles, watch TV debates, and then I write which gives me a false satisfaction that I have done something. The truth is that I have done nothing to repay the debt of every breath that I have taken and will take because the people who protect my freedom of breathing never asked anything in return. Just like you, I am too at fault here because I take them for granted.

This will make few people angry, few would relate to this, and then after a month we will move on again. We will end up listening to Pakistani artists, we would still follow them on social media, and as a country we would still try to maintain an image of grace by not taking hard steps.

Steps of creating an atmosphere where our government is under constant pressure of taking the toughest steps required like officially declaring Pakistan an enemy state, stopping imports or exports of any kind (direct or indirect) , diverting the water supply, not giving visas to any Pakistani for any reason (even not on humanitarian grounds they can ask Chinese govt to help them but not us), and others. Let's not try and follow Gandhi's policy of getting slapped once and presenting the other side too. That never worked in reality and never will.

Those who think we should go on a full fledged war with Pakistan, honestly speaking, either we use our full arsenal of nukes and bare the consequences of a full blown radioactive fall out which will kill millions around the world including our own.
Or we don't go on war at all.

Unless and until, we can either wipe out the whole country along with every Pakistani out of existence (which also includes millions of innocent people)

Or destroy the leadership completely including future threats (which is impossible as the probability for revenge will always be there)

Till then a full fledged non nuclear war would only add more names to the martyrs and ultimately defy the purpose of saving the lives of our soldiers. 

I know this is yet another rant of mine and frankly speaking I don't want to have an argument about this. You don't agree then just ignore it. You agree then just contemplate about this in your head.

But please, don't go on asking for explanations for any of the points.
I am just disappointed with myself, you, and us as a country.

The truth is, we will move on for the nth time.

Just an USED TO Indian,

Ashish Aggarwal (APB)✍️✍️


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