You are to me

Word:- you

Tittle:- you are

You are like that river which flows through my heart,
You are like that sky which covers my life's part,

I can feel you inside me all the time,
I search for you just to make you mine,

This is what I wish from lord,
Coz I have worshipped you like my GOD,

You are like my shadow in light,
You are the words which I speak all night,

You are everything I think,
As like my life has passed in front of me in a blink,

Many times I cried remembering your smile,
Many times I have walked alone many mile,

I feel you somewhere around,
Coz this life is all round,

You are like the smile on my face,
You are like the candle in dark place,

I wish I could hear your voice,
Without anyone to make any noice,

Whenever I close my eyes, I can see your name,
My heart start pumping in your flame,

Sometimes I feel like throwing my heart in flame,
Coz life is difficult and started playing game,

You are like the biggest decision I took,
But now I can't even get your single look,

This my bullshit life in my word,
Cutting myself wid the sharpest sword,

But still it don't pain soo much,
Coz my words to you are harsh as such,

You talked to me all the time,
N i still think of making you all mine,

You are what you are,
And for me you are my air..

Ashish Aggarwal (APB)✍️✍️


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