Thousand ways

Thousand ways to say hi,
Thousand ways to say bye,
But there is no one to stand by.

Thousand ways to cry,
Thousand ways for another try,
But still there is no one for my life.

Thousand ways to fall,
Thousand ways to call,
But still there is no one to say you are my all.

Thousand ways to fight,
Thousand ways to love this night,
But still where is my moon light.

Thousand ways to say sorry,
Thousand ways to take out your worries,
But still m in hurry.

There are thousand ways for thousand things,
Life is not a sweet place n m not a king,

But still I love the way it is,
Coz even when I fall it don't let me miss.

I miss the time when I was happy,
Miss the golden moments of my childhood and nappy.

My teenage crush,
My love's first cute blush.

Life is what we all call this,
But I don't come without free tips.

This was my thoughts reason to be sad,
My thousand reasons which make me bad.

But this is not me at all,
Coz I stand up after every fall.

Thousand ways to say hi,
Thousand ways to say bye..

Ashish Aggarwal (APB)✍️✍️


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