Dance of zombies


After so many years...
He came out of the prison gate!
As the burning sunrays  festered-
..on empty landscapes!
He continued to walk through the empty streets -
and through empty corridors and
in front of desolate shopfronts!
As the clocks continued to tick aimlessly, 
he walked and walked through desolate silences the burning sunrays continued to fester on his unseen.. wounds!
Then.. while wondering why he entered that familiar inn in that desolate town-
He watched with surprise and awe the
the quiet, freezed.. forms of people seated around.. spotfree tables.. lined up by dazzling empty drinking glasses!
As the clock continued to tick..
the awful wait ticked on and on!
Then the clock started striking
one.. two.. three.. 
Kept on striking.. and when the striking stopped,
red droplets started dripping through cracked ceilings.. filing hundreds of empty glasses.. with redviscous liquid!
Suddenly the forms started taking life!
They lifted.. their hundreds and hundreds of glasses and said "cheers"in a chorous
They started drinking and dancing in a frenzied unanimity.. suddenly they stopped 
and watched in stunning silence, with half open surprised mouths the hapless  freed prisoner!
Next moment the frenzied mass charged at him!
Out of the inn he ran...
through the streets now thronging with 
frenzied dancing masses with their dazzling red glasses lifted above their heads
..they continued to dance and chase the stunned, freed, prisoner.. through the empty streets.. 
Slipping and falling again again in pools and pools of slippery, viscous tears.. he ran and ran.. until he reached the prison gates!
Then from within the icy cosy coldness of his confinement.. . through a small iron slit-
..he watched the empty.. city streets
where the sun rays were still festering on weeping wounds!!

Ashish Aggarwal (APB)✍️✍️


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