
Rain comes down from heaven,
It reminds me of memories when I was eleven (11).

My world was simple and fun,
I had my games and run.

I use to chill out with my siblings,
Because they understand all my feelings.

I was sweet and innocent,
I was happy with every cent.

Rain comes down from the sky,
Now I m fifteen (15) n know how to lie.

I saw a girl with a sweet smile,
I wish she was all mine.

I went to her to express my feeling,
My heart started to pound up to the celling.

She said yes and she was all mine,
My world started to look soo fine.

Rain comes down from cloud,
Now m nineteen (19) and have the right to shout.

My life left me alone,
Now life lost its meaning and there is no one to own.

But still I haven't stopped living,
And learned to stop giving.

World seems a new place,
There people are running in some race.

This rainy season reminds me of my life,
My future is uncertain but still sharper than knife.

The rain drops falling on the ground,
Which reminds me of the world being round.

The smell of mud,
This reminds me of my shed,

The lighting in the sky,
Tels me to work fast and aim high.

This is my thoughts on a rainy day,
Watching the rainfall down and I have this much to say..

Ashish Aggarwal (APB)✍️✍️


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